Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Lots of updates
A lot has happened since my last post:
His eating has really changed! He still eats jarred food here and there but eats tons of table foods! He gets nursed just a few times a day, mostly in the early morning, before nap and bedtime. I will be weaning him once he's a year old. At this point it's gotten way too painful with his teeth. It will be a slow process because he is addicted!!
Nights have definitely improved! He now sleeps through the night. I remember back when I was first transitioning him to the crib. I'd have to nurse him to sleep, then try not to breathe as I lay him down so he wouldn't wake up. Some nights would take multiple tries. He was still waking a few times throughout the night and would eventually end up in bed with me. Now he nurses for a few a little bit then goes straight in his crib and to sleep...by himself. Some nights he requires me stand next to his crib with my hand on his back, but most times he's fine to be by himself. He sleeps straight through the night, till 6 or 7am. Makes me so proud!
He is working on his 5th tooth. His 3rd popped through in April, his 4th in May and I noticed his 5th on Sunday, his 11 month birthday. The 4th tooth was really rough. His gum was swollen for a few weeks before anything popped through. He got a fever and double ear infection. May was pretty much a bad tooth month for him. He doesn't seem to be having too much of a rough time with this coming tooth.
He's not far from walking. He stands by himself for long periods of time quite often. He can bend down, pick something up, and stand back up without holding on to anything. He's taken a few steps here and there. The only problem is I think he just wants to run. So that's kind of slowing him down. I'm waiting for the day to come that he just starts walking, like he knew what he was doing all along. That seems to be a trend with him.
He's shy. We were up in North Aurora over the weekend for Em's VB games. Anyone who looked at him got a huge smile in return, but if that person came near him, the smile disappeared and he wouldn't even look at them.
He's a major grandma's boy! There are days where he just wants nothing to do with me, he just wants grandma. I'm afraid it's not just a phase either, this has gone on for a few weeks now. I'm glad he loves his grandparents so much. He rarely sees his grandparents on his dad's side (their choice!) so he has no clue who they are.
He says a few words now. "Uh oh". Sometimes he says the whole thing, but most of the time it's "oohh". He'll say it when he drops/throws things or falls down. "Ma" for more. He says it when he's being fed. "Ba" for bye. He was just doing the hand wave for bye bye, then one day he started saying "ba" while waving. He did it a few times that day and maybe a couple since then. He also says "mama" and "dada" but he doesn't know what those mean yet.
He had his 9 month appointment on May 10th. He weighed 19.2 pounds and was 29.5 inches long. Whenever people ask how old he is, they are shocked to find out he's under a year old because they think he's so big. Maybe he's slightly tall for his age, but he's definitely not big!! He's still wearing mostly 6-9 month clothes and 3-6 month shorts because his waist is so skinny.
This kid is spoiled beyond spoiled! We started garage saling in the spring for his summer clothes. He's got so much clothes it's not even funny! He has close to 1 outfit for every day of summer. He's got tons of shoes too!
Only 1 month left till his first birthday. I am but not looking forward to it. We're having a monkey theme party at a park. Hopefully it goes over well.
Wearing his swim suit for the first time.
Playing with his dirty laundry
Playing in the pool with Rye
Playing at the park
Helping grandpa mow
The water was cold
Happy to be out of the pool!
Naked baby on the loose!!
His first big booboo. He was climbing off the porch, lost his footing, and fell head first off the second step. Not long after he forgot all about it.
His eating has really changed! He still eats jarred food here and there but eats tons of table foods! He gets nursed just a few times a day, mostly in the early morning, before nap and bedtime. I will be weaning him once he's a year old. At this point it's gotten way too painful with his teeth. It will be a slow process because he is addicted!!
Nights have definitely improved! He now sleeps through the night. I remember back when I was first transitioning him to the crib. I'd have to nurse him to sleep, then try not to breathe as I lay him down so he wouldn't wake up. Some nights would take multiple tries. He was still waking a few times throughout the night and would eventually end up in bed with me. Now he nurses for a few a little bit then goes straight in his crib and to sleep...by himself. Some nights he requires me stand next to his crib with my hand on his back, but most times he's fine to be by himself. He sleeps straight through the night, till 6 or 7am. Makes me so proud!
He is working on his 5th tooth. His 3rd popped through in April, his 4th in May and I noticed his 5th on Sunday, his 11 month birthday. The 4th tooth was really rough. His gum was swollen for a few weeks before anything popped through. He got a fever and double ear infection. May was pretty much a bad tooth month for him. He doesn't seem to be having too much of a rough time with this coming tooth.
He's not far from walking. He stands by himself for long periods of time quite often. He can bend down, pick something up, and stand back up without holding on to anything. He's taken a few steps here and there. The only problem is I think he just wants to run. So that's kind of slowing him down. I'm waiting for the day to come that he just starts walking, like he knew what he was doing all along. That seems to be a trend with him.
He's shy. We were up in North Aurora over the weekend for Em's VB games. Anyone who looked at him got a huge smile in return, but if that person came near him, the smile disappeared and he wouldn't even look at them.
He's a major grandma's boy! There are days where he just wants nothing to do with me, he just wants grandma. I'm afraid it's not just a phase either, this has gone on for a few weeks now. I'm glad he loves his grandparents so much. He rarely sees his grandparents on his dad's side (their choice!) so he has no clue who they are.
He says a few words now. "Uh oh". Sometimes he says the whole thing, but most of the time it's "oohh". He'll say it when he drops/throws things or falls down. "Ma" for more. He says it when he's being fed. "Ba" for bye. He was just doing the hand wave for bye bye, then one day he started saying "ba" while waving. He did it a few times that day and maybe a couple since then. He also says "mama" and "dada" but he doesn't know what those mean yet.
He had his 9 month appointment on May 10th. He weighed 19.2 pounds and was 29.5 inches long. Whenever people ask how old he is, they are shocked to find out he's under a year old because they think he's so big. Maybe he's slightly tall for his age, but he's definitely not big!! He's still wearing mostly 6-9 month clothes and 3-6 month shorts because his waist is so skinny.
This kid is spoiled beyond spoiled! We started garage saling in the spring for his summer clothes. He's got so much clothes it's not even funny! He has close to 1 outfit for every day of summer. He's got tons of shoes too!
Only 1 month left till his first birthday. I am but not looking forward to it. We're having a monkey theme party at a park. Hopefully it goes over well.

Thursday, May 13, 2010
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Best Buds
Friday afternoon Kaisen, Rylan, Daniel, and I went to a few garage sales. One of the best things I've found so far this spring were these crocs. They've got monkeys on the top and are totally adorable. Rylan already has a pair of crocs, so now the babies can match this summer!

After garage sales we stopped by Raab McDonald's for some lunch. Michelle, the GM, gave the boys ice cream cones. Kaisen loved his!
Yesterday we all went to garage sales again. This time I found these totally cute spongebob slippers! Kaisen seems to like them (they're fun to play with) and they're not as easy to get off as socks are.
So yesterday afternoon we hung out at Daniels house. They boys love playing together. So I'm sitting there watching a movie and the next thing I know Kaisen is climbing on the shelf under the end table. He's definitely going to be a climber!
And of course Rylan had to join in on the fun.
A little bit later Kaisen climbs in Rylan's Cozy Coupe and starts playing in there. Well as soon as Rylan saw that he started climbing in too.

Yea, it was a crazy day.
Today Kaisen and I just hung around the house, relaxing after a busy couple of days. I'm looking online and saw a recipe for teething biscuits. Kaisen loves his "Biter Biscuits" that I buy from Wal-Mart, but they're expensive. So I thought I'd try this out. Here's the finished product:
And here's what Kaisen thought of them:
He ate 2. I'm so happy he liked them, they're really quite easy to make.
And then this is what you get when you spend awhile chasing dogs and running into moms legs in your walker:
A tired baby. (Notice his feet? At one point he was trying to escape his walker, he was actually standing up on the seat. At this point he was in the process of falling down back into the seat.) He's now in his bed, sleeping. Another busy weekend for the baby!

After garage sales we stopped by Raab McDonald's for some lunch. Michelle, the GM, gave the boys ice cream cones. Kaisen loved his!

Yea, it was a crazy day.
Today Kaisen and I just hung around the house, relaxing after a busy couple of days. I'm looking online and saw a recipe for teething biscuits. Kaisen loves his "Biter Biscuits" that I buy from Wal-Mart, but they're expensive. So I thought I'd try this out. Here's the finished product:

And then this is what you get when you spend awhile chasing dogs and running into moms legs in your walker:

Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Busy Days and Funny Pictures!
Every day is an adventure with this little guy. It's not a normal day when something crazy doesn't happen.
Here's Kaisen in his pooh PJ's (or what I like to call his "PooJ's" ha!)
While I'm getting ready for bed, Kaisen plays with his toys in the bathroom with me. So on this particular night, I look over at him and this is what I see:
Just sitting in his ducky tub playing with his toys like he's taking a bath! Of course, there was some left over water in there from his last bath, so he ended up with a wet butt.
Saturday we got up early and headed out for garage sales (Me, Kaisen, Grandma, Uncle Daniel and Cousin Rylan). That afternoon we ate lunch at went to McGraw Park. The boys had lots of fun!
Sunday Uncle Daniel and Rylan came over here and ate dinner with us. Kaisen's doing much better with his solid foods. We're not in a big hurry for table foods, but I'll give him little bit's of food here and there. I had heard of a friend giving her baby (same age as Kaisen) a broccoli tree to eat by himself. Well for dinner we had broccoli, so I gave Kaisen his own tree to eat. Well then he decided he'd rather play with it. The only bits he got in his mouth were the pieces I put in there. Needless to say by the time he was done, he needed a bath.

Monday morning we got out of bed maybe around 930. We came upstairs, I fed him breakfast and decided to give him little bits of cheese. So for awhile he's just going crazy with the cheese, having a good time. I'm sitting next to him, checking email and stuff. At one point I notice he's real quiet. So I look over at him and he's falling asleep. This would be the first time he fell asleep in his high chair, and it's not the most comfortable high chair either!
I eventually transferred him to his crib and he slept for 3 hours! One of the longest naps also!
Tuesday I spent all day cleaning and organizing most of the basement. I used to have this colorful shelf thing as my nightstand, but no longer needed it. So I decided to use it as Kaisen's toy box.
He loves it! I tried a couple hats on him also.

Saturday we got up early and headed out for garage sales (Me, Kaisen, Grandma, Uncle Daniel and Cousin Rylan). That afternoon we ate lunch at went to McGraw Park. The boys had lots of fun!
Sunday Uncle Daniel and Rylan came over here and ate dinner with us. Kaisen's doing much better with his solid foods. We're not in a big hurry for table foods, but I'll give him little bit's of food here and there. I had heard of a friend giving her baby (same age as Kaisen) a broccoli tree to eat by himself. Well for dinner we had broccoli, so I gave Kaisen his own tree to eat. Well then he decided he'd rather play with it. The only bits he got in his mouth were the pieces I put in there. Needless to say by the time he was done, he needed a bath.

Monday morning we got out of bed maybe around 930. We came upstairs, I fed him breakfast and decided to give him little bits of cheese. So for awhile he's just going crazy with the cheese, having a good time. I'm sitting next to him, checking email and stuff. At one point I notice he's real quiet. So I look over at him and he's falling asleep. This would be the first time he fell asleep in his high chair, and it's not the most comfortable high chair either!

Tuesday I spent all day cleaning and organizing most of the basement. I used to have this colorful shelf thing as my nightstand, but no longer needed it. So I decided to use it as Kaisen's toy box.

Yesterday, he woke up from his nap while I was in the shower. I would usually just let him sit in his crib, but for some reason, he woke up in a bad mood. He was crying louder than usual. So I got out and got him. I figured I'll just throw him in the shower with me. Well he loved that too. (Sorry, no pics of us in the shower :P)

That night me and Grandma were in charge of babysitting Rylan and we had plans to go to Walmart. I dressed Kaisen after our shower and decided to do something with his hair.

That night me and Grandma were in charge of babysitting Rylan and we had plans to go to Walmart. I dressed Kaisen after our shower and decided to do something with his hair.
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