Monday, February 1, 2010

Crib....or Mommy's bed?

We started putting Kaisen in his crib at night a couple nights ago. I don't like it. At all. He's not a good sleeper, but I think that's because his mommy is lazy and puts him in her bed when he wakes up in the middle of the night. So now he won't sleep more than like 2 hours by himself. Last night I started the process of making him put himself to sleep. He been nursed to sleep for a few months now, so last night was rough! Took a full hour to get him to go to sleep by himself. I tried to kind of soothe him when he cried, but he didn't want any of it. I gotta be strong!

This morning John watched Kaisen so I could go to Curves. When I came home, Kaisen was sleeping. So we decided to go shopping for birthday gifts and groceries. This was a picture I got while at Walmart:

He had gotten his hat sideways in the car and the flap was covering his face. Funny baby.
Nothing to exciting went on today. I gave him an ice cube in his mesh feeder and he really didn't care for that. There's only 1 more carrot ice cube left, so we'll be trying something else pretty soon.

1 comment:

  1. Aww that is so cute!! Bella does that with her headbands, she will pull them down until they are on/covering her eyes and then go to sleep LOL. Good luck with the transitioning to the crib. Stay strong and consistent. Bella sleeps with me in the mornings after her cereal and bottle haha!
